Sunday, May 18, 2008
Wired Up . 9:12 AM
For this we needed wires, wires and more wires. We had to create a cube, pyramid and a sphere out of the wires. The cube was to be 100 by 100 by 100 mm, the pyramid 100 by 100 mm in base and 100 mm in height and the sphere about 100 mm in diameters. It was not as easy as it seemed The wires being wires were flimsy in some sense and had to be controlled properly to make their forms look as they are and not disproportionate or even out of shape.
At one point i had wanted to increase the surface areas but that was not easy either as i had to be careful not to pull the wires too much least the edge gets pulled too.
There were also several approach to forming the objects. For the cube we could do it side by side and then joining them together or creating as much of the form with the wire uncut. After trying both, i prefered to use the second option as i found the final look more preferrable and easier to manipulate.
Running fridge . 8:23 AM
I just saw this on flicker awhile ago i thought it was really interesting so i decided to take a closer look. Its really cute it was titled a running fridge the artiste was inspired by a t-shirt design on, cut out paper and stuck it to his fridge. and now i know of a t-shirt site!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Russian doll . 2:11 AM

On The Ball . 2:08 AM

Initially, we were told to bring toys to talk about 4 emotions we had experienced due to the toy in some way or another and i chose to bring my toy puppy from the 101 Dalmatians. The emotions i chose to talk about was thrilled, dreamy, upset and nostalgic.
Why did i choose this four emotions?
When i first got the toy or Two-Tone as it is called, i felt thrilled about it. My mother and i had went to watch the movie 101 Dalmatians earlier and we saw the toy at a shopping mall at a later time so my mother bought it for me for my birthday.
Dreamy is because Two-tone has this pair of dreamy black eyes.
Its been long since i saw Two- tone and when i took it out for this project, i realised that its squeaker-woofer thing had spoilt if you feel it it really feels deflated and i felt quite upset that it did.
Finally Two- tone was bought when i was a child and its' fur is now yellow and dusty thinking about its history can evoke a sense of nostalgia and that is why i chose nostalgia as the 4th emotion.